Trading Possessions for Freedom: Why we Decided to Full-Time RV (Part 1)

In our wild three- year ride through the nomadic, full-time RV lifestyle, folks have dubbed us impulsive, crazy, lucky, and inspiring. But you know the term that captures it for me? Blessed.

The most common questions we get asked are: 

  • Why did you choose this lifestyle?
  • How do you afford it, do you work remote?
  • When do you plan on stopping?
  • Any Regrets?

 I'll be addressing these questions in the coming days, so stay tuned!

First- The Why

1. Seven years ago, we embarked on the journey of homeschooling and unexpectedly fell IN LOVE with it- particularly for the freedom it provided:

  • The freedom to explore museums, beaches, and trails on weekdays when the crowds were sparse. 

  • The freedom to cultivate learning through new experiences, people, and places.

  • The Freedom to teach to my children's unique interests and proficiency levels.
  • The Freedom to instill in them confidence- not just worldly confidence, but confidence of who they are in the eyes of Jesus.

2. I admittedly have a gypsy soul and am prone to wanderlust.

I have always been this way, wanting to go and see something new, I am one of "those people" that actually love change.

Staying in one place my whole life felt stifling. I understand that many people thrive in that lifestyle, contributing as valuable members of their community. 

If this resonates with you, know that you are essential and unique in your role, and I might find myself in that role someday.

Everyone has different seasons of life, and people might not understand ours right now—and that's okay!

I knew I had to stop letting society dictate how we live and take a chance on something different.

We were blessed with so much—a big house, multiple vehicles, and closets full of clothes. I was grateful, but it wasn't what I truly desired.

In contrast, my husband found comfort in our regular routine and stable life. When I suggested selling our home, acquiring an RV, and quitting his job, he thought I was crazy. 

To be fair, I had never been a fan of camping in a trailer, which probably fueled his perception that I'd lost my mind.

You might wonder, what made him change his mind? 

He often says, "I had a bad day at work."

Despite the situation, I think it's because he genuinely loves me, sensed a feeling of confinement, and experienced a gentle nudge from God in his heart too.

3. The most important "why" is because God told me to.

I know this because I just couldn't shake the thought. It excited me to the core, even though I was terrified.

  • Terrified at the thought of having no job security.
  • Terrified that I would destroy my kids by uprooting them from family, friends, and activities.
  • Terrified that living in a fifth wheel might be unbearable.
  • Terrified of my kids having to share a small space in their pre-teen and teenage years.

But... When I prayed and journaled, God gave me peace. He reminded me that having faith in Him meant living it. 

To ease my fears, God brought encouraging people into my life. We even re-connected with a family who was living this lifestyle with four small boys. They shared their experiences, good and bad, and answered my financial questions. 

In prayer, I asked God to make this life possible, thinking it was my idea. Now, humbly, I realize it was His plan all along.

Check out Part Two: Trading Possessions for Freedom (Part 2) | How We Afford Full-Time RVing: Budget Included

2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.


  • I pray that this verse brings you the comfort and confidence it has brought me.
  • My hope is that by sharing our experiences, you will feel encouraged to embrace God's plan for your life, witnessing how He can transform you and bless others through you.
  • May we remember in hard times that Jesus understands the earthly pains of betrayal, hurt, and humiliation. He promises to stand by us and comfort us in these struggles, in order to grow us into the people He created us to be.

Be brave, make the scary choice, live a life set apart because God delights in you. He wants to give you a life so inspired that it points others to Him.

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  1. Our God loves us and wants us to feel that love, like I want my children to feel my love for them.

  2. Hey! Uncle Dad Here! Poor Scott! He ran into the verbal buzz saw that I am (while he was supposed to be doing laundry). But I'm a Dad and a Grand Dad and a Uncle Dad, I figure I just lack self control enough to not share my stories of our amazing life on the road and the astounding life we have and currently lead. I blame it on my past as I was the parent that stayed home with the kids in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA in the 90's thru 2000's. I(as a male stay at home parent) was not well received, but I never was a joiner, so I'm used to a little non acceptance on a daily basis. But the Grand Ma's at the Grocery stores(!) always took my side. I now know I'd rather face socitey's scorn, girded by a small gaggle of Grand Ma's, than the entire Fifth Cavalry! Me and the Grand Ma's, the new 300 at a Latterday Societial Thessolaniki!? I don't have Email but I would like the hear any stories (or contact) you'd care to bestow upon me through text. 678-464-3341 We will be on G'ton island until march. Would enjoy to hang out (on purpose) some afternoon.

    1. AHH I'm so sorry that I am just now seeing this. Although we are no longer in the area, I will pass your number onto Scott. It would be great to stay in touch!

  3. Brooke and Scott, enjoyed meeting yall at Oak Mountain. Enjoyed reading y’all’s story. Good luck on the journey God has in front of you. I hope your teens can use the advice I shared. I am on social media if you ever need to reach out. If you find yourself near Philadelphia Ms give us a shout… sincerely, Keith

    1. Keith, we enjoyed meeting you as well! Your outlook on life really inspired us, and we still talk about you to this day!

  4. We just passed your family in West Virginia, and my husband said, "There you go! Those people are living out your dream. You should check it out!". We don't homeschool, but I'm a teacher and have been trying for years to convince him to take a year and do what your family is doing. So excited to find your blog and praying God's continued safety and provision over your family. Thanks for following the call He put on your family. It is inspiring.

    1. Hi Meredith, thats awesome you passed us on the road, West Virginia is so BEAUTIFUL. You should go for it ....although I will warn you, if you are anything like me, that after a year you won't want to stop!

  5. I just passed you on 68…. Looked you up, drawn to this life. So happy for you and yours that you stepped out on faith!


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