Trading Possessions for Freedom: Do We Regret It? (Part 3)


Some days, if you catch me at the right moment, I might say, "It all depends..."

There are days when we encounter seriously wild weather, like right now as I'm writing. 

We're holed up in our trailer, braving 40 mph winds amidst sand dunes.

Oh ya, there was that time in South Dakota where we endured 15-degree weather for days in a row in October, freezing everything. 

This is a photo of Scott in a bath house during a tornado watch!

And let's not forget the multiple tornado warnings down south. This is when I STRESS. 

Then God reminds me, “Why are you worrying? I control the weather.”

There are days when our home feels extremely small.

Then God reminds me to go for a walk and spend time with Him- and I am refreshed.

There are days when I panic.

"What did I do? I am going to ruin my kids for life! We have no money!"

Then God reminds me that this is His plan and He will help me parent, He will provide.

There are days when I also really miss soaking in my clawfoot tub.

The best I could do here is take a hot shower, find a hot spring, or find a campground with a hot tub.

Radium Hot Springs, BC, Canada

Then God reminds me how blessed I am to not only have access to clean water, but hot water.

There are days when we feel lonely and miss our family and friends.
My mom flew out to visit us in Virginia Beach.

Then God reminds me this is for a season.

West Virginia with Scott's parents

We have access to airplanes, FaceTime, phone calls, and text messages. Oh and by the way we live in a home on wheels and can drive to visit them whenever we want. 

Pensacola, FL with my parents

How Fear Can Control Our Lives

I am reminded in these moments that the enemy is distracting me from God's purpose for my life with FEAR ( False Evidence Appearing Real).

  • Fear is one of his favorite tactics. It keeps us sedentary, it keeps us from being extraordinary.

  • Fear focuses our attention on the negative, and because we are so focused on that fear, it can become a self fulfilling prophesy.

Why Do We Think the Grass is Always Greener?

I am reminded that nothing is perfect. We were designed to desire paradise, but we will never experience it in this earthly life. 

I look forward to that paradise with my Father, but right now I have the next best thing. I have a life that I get to do with God. I get His strength, His love, His delight.

God's Provision

I see God’s hand when He provides safety on the road, finances when we need them, friends when we are lonely, and His presence in His beautiful nature.

One of the Best Aspects of Full Time Traveling

I am fortunate enough to meet new people, people that He created with purpose, every single day. This is huge for me. I am such an introverted person.

This full time lifestyle really forces me to get out and connect with new neighbors all the time.

We know our time together is short, so we usually make deep connections fast, and I love it. I see my kids putting themselves out there and making connections as well.

When do we Plan on Settling Down?

Regrets? No, because I know I am living in God's will and there is no better place to be until PARADISE.

This leads me to answer the question of “When are you going to stop?” My answer is, we have no idea. We try our best to live in the moment and savor this season of life.We are fully open to go wherever God leads us. I guess our answer is, we will stop when God leads us in a new direction.

Psalm 34:4

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”


  • I pray whenever we all feel anxious, scared, and unsettled, we will automatically turn to our gracious Father and He will deliver us from the bondage of fear.

  • I have found this to be true over and over again in my life and especially during our travels.

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  1. Amen!!! I’m loving reading your journey and how God is central to it all. He is so good and what joy it is to hear how you are letting him take the reins in all aspects. May He continue to bless you and use you for his glory! ❤️

    1. Thank you so much! He is good, and may He bless you as well!


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