Florida: Full Timing Living Leads us to Bunnell

Full-time RV-ing allows for the opportunity to discover lesser known areas like Bunnell, FL. With under 3,500 residents, it's the perfect home base for exploring Flagler County.

Bull Creek Fish Camp 

This small fish camp offers spacious waterfront sites. We stayed at site #25, a corner lot. At just $35 per night, my only complaint was the non-potable, salty water, which caused my hair to fall out in chunks after showering. Unfortunately, I just learned it is permanently closed. 

On the bright side, my son caught some big mudfish, and the location was perfect for exploring. It's worth noting that although we never saw it, there was a gator in the lake behind us, which we heard eating a feral cat.

Daytona Beach

Scott had to get X-Rays done at the VA in Daytona, so we decided to make a day of it. Daytona Beach is about 35 miles from Bunnell. It was fun spending time on the Atlantic Coast since we usually choose the gulf. 

Although I prefer the gulf, we had a blast. My daughter conned my husband into riding the Sling Shot with him. Daytona was very touristy with lots of shops and food, but also a big sandy beach.

Ormond Beach

Ormand Beach is a small, nice, beach with free parking! Scott had the grand idea to try surfing with the paddle-board, let's just say it did not go well for him.

Flagler Beach

Flagler Beach is another nice, small beach town. We stopped here for some ice cream at a Veteran owned stand.

Washington Oak Garden State Park

We are always on the lookout for good trails. Washington Oak Garden State Park did not disappoint. Not only was it a gorgeous drive, but we got to see an Oak tree over 200 years old, as well as formal gardens.


When we reached Bunnell, we noticed our tires were touching! Scott considered hiring an RV repairman, but I reminded him of his experience with helicopters; surely he could handle our RV. 

After locating a shop with the necessary parts, Scott successfully repaired our leaf spring equalizer. He struggled with a stubborn bolt until he prayed and tapped it lightly, and miraculously, it came right out.

 It's a reminder not to rely solely on ourselves but to recognize God's readiness to help, even in small tasks like this.

Removing Decals

I have to admit, I despised the "Vengeance" decals on our fifth wheel. Scott insisted we needed special tools to remove them, but I had a hunch that my blow dryer would do the trick—I was on a roll with ideas this trip. 

Armed with my blow dryer, I went out determined to prove myself right, and to my surprise, it worked! 

Scott took over and removed most of the decals, but then accidentally dropped my blow dryer, breaking it. That's the price I pay for having such brilliant ideas.

Weight Loss???

As I've been posting old and new photos, we've received many comments on Scott's noticeable weight loss. 

He's been on a health journey for the past two years, and seeing how great he feels has inspired all of us to join in.

 I've been debating whether to share our health journey on this blog, but given the interest from many of you, I think I just might—with Scott's consent, of course.

Overall Experience

Our primary reason for staying in this area was for Scott to visit the VA. Managing healthcare on the road can be challenging, but we've navigated urgent cares and traveling coordinators to streamline the process. I must commend the VA for their excellent care.

Alongside needing X-rays, Scott specifically chose to have his blood work done here to assess the impact of his lifestyle changes on his cholesterol. Stay tuned for the surprising results, which I'll share as part of our health journey!


Pray this Psalm with me- Psalm 103:2-5 (NASB):

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, And do not forget any of His benefits; Who pardons all your guilt, Who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with faithfulness; Who satisfies your years with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle."


  • Scott and I have been reading the One Year Bible together, which includes daily readings from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and Proverbs. During this time, I've felt a deep connection with praying through the Psalms.

  • In this Psalm, David wholeheartedly praises God, acknowledging that all good things come from Him.

  • People often ask why a good God allows bad things to happen. The answer is that God gave us free will, and we chose sin, which has inherent earthly consequences.
  • Thankfully, God loves us and provided a way out through Jesus. He helps us through our earthly consequences and offers us eternal life by accepting Jesus' sacrifice- a gift without strings attached.

Questions to Ask Ourselves

1. Is my life transformed in a way that allows God's goodness and glory to shine?

2. Am I stuck in a rut? Confined to my comfort zone? Trapped in complacency? Weighed down by a negative attitude and constant complaining? 

3.  Am I in need of renewal?

4. How can I actively seek God's presence and power to rejuvenate my spirit, change my perspective, and live out His purpose for me?

5. Do I express gratitude to God daily for all the good He brings into my life?

How do you know when you have found purpose? 
  • You will find joy, fulfillment, and a deep peace even among difficulties
  • Your actions will positively affect others and further God's Kingdom
  • You will have a renewed excitement for life, God, and others
  • You are glorifying God
  • God will bring people into your life who will offer you confirmation
During this season of my life, I discovered my purpose in homeschooling, this blog, and going back to school, and have found these truths to be evident.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences, feel free to leave a comment below. 

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  1. Was wondering about the Scot pics! Thanks for clearing that up. Loved the DIY experiences.

    Oh, and the blow dryer? No worries, checks in the mail!

    1. Yes, that was quite a transformation for Scott! God is good and He always provides!

  2. Love it! We miss you all!

    1. Not sure who this is, but I am sure we miss you all too!


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