Florida: Harvest Hosts for RVers

Wintering in Florida can be quite a challenge for full-time RV travelers, especially those making last-minute plans like we did. Thankfully, Harvest Hosts came to our rescue when we couldn't find any affordable and available campgrounds from Ocala to Key West. We ended up using Harvest Hosts for five consecutive nights on our journey south, staying at a variety of unique locations, from charming farms to welcoming churches. Join us as we share our tips and experiences we discovered along the way!

Stop One: Organica World in Groveland, FL

We dry camped in a big, open, green field complete with donkeys. We love staying at farms as they have delicious food to offer. Part of the experience of Harvest Hosting is staying at a business for free, but supporting them by purchasing something from their place.

As we pulled in, the owners had a smoker going and food available for purchase, which was a welcome surprise. We also purchased some delicious food like Shakshuka, pasta sauce, and steamed eggs. Our night stay was quiet and successful, making this a stop I recommend.

Stop Two: Summerfield Golf Club in Riverview, FL

This stop was our least favorite due to its lack of tranquility. Our spot in the parking lot was disturbed by street noise and the early morning sounds of lawnmowers. On the bright side, my husband and son were able to squeeze in an early morning round of golf before we departed, which was a definite plus.

Stop Three: Bee Barn in Zolfa Springs, FL

This stop was my absolute favorite among all our destinations. The serene beauty of the place was complemented by a charming gift shop offering local honey and other delightful regional treats.

I incorporate a tablespoon of local honey into my coffee daily to help manage my allergies while traveling. Additionally, when I crave something sweet, I opt for high-quality honey, which has been incredibly beneficial for my weight management.

Stop Four: Summer Crush Vineyard in Fort Pierce, FL

I have to admit, I was initially hesitant about staying at wineries with the kids. However, it turned out to be a fantastic choice. We enjoyed delicious food, live music, and the serene beauty of the vineyards, which are often nestled away from the noise of the road.

Stop 5: New Life Sanctuary in Homestead, FL

We were initially unsure how we could support the local church by staying on its property during the week. However, we soon discovered a small donation box for contributions. The property itself was beautiful and tranquil, providing a peaceful oasis amid the hustle and bustle of Homestead.

Overall Experience:

Driving to a new location every day for five days was exhausting, and by the time we reached the Keys, we were completely worn out. While I initially viewed this lifestyle as slower-paced, I realized that without intentionality, it can be just as hectic as a traditional one.

I have come to realize that busyness is the main culprit that distracts me from God. It is deceitful, masquerading as success when it's truly the opposite. Honestly, it took me about a year to slow down, decompress, and live in the moment. I learned difficult lessons, but the transformation was profound. By prioritizing my time spent with God, I have discovered how He pieces all aspects of my life together and desires for me to live restfully and carefree in Him.

Bible Verse:

Psalm 46:10 (NIV):

"He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'"


I don’t know about you, but embracing stillness is one of the toughest challenges I face. My natural inclinations lean towards fixing things, seeking immediate action, chasing instant gratification, saying yes to everything, and constantly striving to please others.

How can we truly exalt God? It starts with being still.

Here are some reflective questions we can ask ourselves:

  • How often do I say yes without consulting God first and my spouse second, even to tasks I perceive as “good” or “Godly”?

  • Do I try to assist God by taking matters into my own hands?

  • Am I attempting to earn God’s favor through my good works?

  • Do I prioritize the opinions of others over God's guidance when it comes to managing my schedule?

  • Am I filling the voids in my soul with busyness instead of seeking stillness?

  • Do I struggle with a constant need to control and micromanage every aspect of my life?

  • Is there something I need to let go of (or quit), even if it means disregarding others' opinions, in order to prioritize stillness with God?

I know I grapple with many of these challenges, and chances are, you do too, given the pace of our current society.


Heavenly Father,

I need your help to embrace stillness in Your presence. Guide me in discerning what tasks and responsibilities truly align with Your will, and empower me to seek Your wisdom before making any decisions, no matter how small they may seem. I know You care for every aspect of my life. May Your name be exalted and glorified in all that I do. Align my desires with Yours, and free me from the burden of seeking approval from others. Help me to prioritize Your will above all else.

In Jesus name, Amen.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences, feel free to leave a comment below. 

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