Step One of Our Transformation Journey: Unleashing the Carnivore

Roughly a year into our full-time nomadic lifestyle, we underwent a remarkable transformation. Not only did we learn how to simplify our possessions, but our eating habits too!

Scott dropped an astonishing 70 pounds, where as I dropped 20! Join us as I share our 90 day weight loss journey.

Introduction to the "Proper Human Diet"

Our friends first introduced us to an all-animal-based diet. Initially, we were appalled, believing red meat and animal fat were unhealthy. However, our friend had lost 60 LBS, so we began researching.

We discovered Dr. Ken Berry and Mikhaila Peterson's channels and became convinced that the Carnivore Diet, also known as the Proper Human Diet, was the way to go.


Our first grocery store trip was super fast and easy. Simplifying meals is a HUGE plus of this way of eating.

What we bought:
  • Two Dozen Eggs
  • Heavy Whipping Cream
  • Amish Butter (The Best!)
  • Hard Cheese
  • 4 Ribeye Steaks
  • 80/20 Ground Beef
  • 3 LBS of Bacon
  • Pork Roast
  • Coffee beans (not technically carnivore)
  • Redmonds Salt
  • Electrolytes

What our First Month Looked like:


  • Coffee with heavy cream, eggs fried in butter and a bunch of bacon
  • Coffee with cream and scrambled eggs and cheese with ground beef
  • Coffee with cream and Leftover steak and eggs
Eat until you are satisfied, no need to count calories.


  • Steak 
Carnivore Secret- chuck steak is a budget friendly alternative to Ribeye and tastes just as good!



Pork Loin

Ground Beef

Sometimes a combination

I ate about 1 LB of meat a day where as Scott typically ate 2.

Keto Flu

Some people experience flu-like symptoms when withdrawing from sugar. We prevented this by adding salt or electrolyte drops to our water daily, which I highly recommend.

Days 60-90

Our bodies naturally started intermittent fasting. We drank black coffee in the morning and usually ate a big steak in the late afternoon. Sometimes Scott had eggs with his steak, we snacked on cheese, or had ground beef before bed, but we were mostly satisfied with one big meal a day.


  • I aim to drink half my body weight in fluid ounces daily, while Scott drinks a gallon a day.

  • We drink coffee or tea, which technically isn't carnivore, but it doesn't affect our ketosis.

  • Alcohol isn't recommended since it affects ketosis. Scott only saw results after cutting out alcohol, and his transformation was remarkable. It's worth it, I promise—you won't even want to go back.

  • Scott also drinks plain sparkling water with a splash of ACV in the morning and before bed, but I never got into that habit.

Scott's Experience

Scott absolutely loves this way of eating, he loves steak. It really was not that difficult for him. He drinks the fat of everything he cooks, which he says keeps him regular. He said it transformed his relationship with food, and we both realized how much we overate before.

Surprising Benefits

  • His high cholesterol dropped to PERFECT levels. Scott's doctor was SHOCKED and advised him to keep doing what he's doing.
  • His chronic arthritis pain due to previous injuries diminished, allowing him to be more active.
  • His sleep drastically improved.
  • His brain fog went away.
  • His feet stopped smelling.
  • His joints feel lubricated allowing him to have full range of motion that he lacked before.

My Experience

I didn't enjoy eating eggs and meat at first and even went 36 hours without eating because I was so grossed out. But I stuck with it, and now I look forward to a big steak in the afternoon.

While I'm thrilled with the weight loss, I used this diet to identify food sensitivities. Pork inflames my back, mushrooms make me sick, eggs upset my stomach, and reintroducing veggies after 90 days gave me brain fog.

Surprising Benefits 

  • Weight loss in areas like my hips that I had never been able to lose before
  • My PCOS symptoms went away
  • My autoimmune symptoms lessened
  • My back stopped hurting
  • Increased focus
  • No more dry skin



We hit our goals in 90 days and recommend being strict with this diet for the first 90 days to see maximum benefits. After that, we followed Dr. Paul Saladino’s approach by adding fruit, honey, and yogurt. 

We also have a weekly celebration meal where we eat out or share a dessert. We've maintained our weight by eating real foods, finding balance, and not overindulging. 

Note: Our inflammation often flares up after consuming processed or sugary foods, which can make our celebration meals less enjoyable.

We truly found a way of life that works for us!

Overall Experience

Embracing this way of eating shattered our misconceptions about "healthy food". Switching to real, fatty, animal-based meals has been transformative.

We discovered that we were using food to fill emotional voids, but now we turn to God for fulfillment, taking each day as it comes. Unhealthy "healthy" food was the leash holding us back. We are now free!

While the Carnivore diet has been effective for us and many others, it's important to note we aren't medical professionals.

We wanted to share our positive journey to inspire yours, no matter the path you choose for your health.

Bible Verse

Philippians 3:18-19 (NIV)

"For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things."


Enemies of the cross- Those who's actions do not match their profession of faith

Their god is their stomach- lack of self control with indulgence in food and pleasures, satisfying immediate desires

Mind set on earthly things- their thoughts, desires, and pursuits are focused on temporal and materialistic pursuits rather than on eternal and everlasting truth.

Questions to Ask Ourselves 

  • Am I professing faith in Christ while my actions contradict His teachings?

  • Do I prioritize immediate desires over self-control?

  • Is my focus more on worldly pursuits than on eternal truths and spiritual growth?


Heavenly Father, 
Thank you for blessing me with my body and providing for all my needs and comforts. Please show me how to eat and drink in a way that honors the way you designed me. Help me with self-control, motivation, and the wisdom to seek you rather than immediate satisfaction in earthly things. 
In Jesus' name, Amen.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences, feel free to leave a comment below.

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