Step 3 of Our transformation| Day Two: STRENGTH


Where did I find the strength to endure our trials? How did our marriage withstand addiction? How did our family come out closer on the other side? Join me as I share the key habits that built our resilience and unity. 


Let me share some of the things I have learned through my trials that give me the strength I need to endure:

  • Spend time alone with God everyday AND read your Bible. This One Year Bible is great. Devotions are AMAZING, but God’s Word is EVERYTHING.
  • I like to journal my prayers because it focuses me. 
  • Get on your knees, it's a humbling experience. 
  • Fellowship with like minded people, be active in your unique community

Having faith is one thing—I've always known God can do anything. But trusting? That's a whole new level. I trust not only that God will take care of things, but that He desires to.

What a burden lifted! He never meant for me to carry the responsibilities of being a wife, mom, friend, daughter, or sister. He just wanted me to give it all to Him.

Goodbye, control issues. Goodbye, people pleasing. Goodbye, hyper-focusing on myself and my family. Goodbye, worry. Goodbye, anxiety. Hello, peace.

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."- 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)


I have learned that children are perceptive and can sense tension, often blaming themselves or feeling responsible for fixing it.

1. To avoid misunderstandings, be honest with your kids, share what's going on. This was the hardest step for me, but the most worthwhile.

2. Show that you value their input by asking questions AND LISTENING. This is crucial. Hold family meetings and make decisions together. If one person isn't on board, reassess.

For example, in our last family meeting we asked:

  • Do you still like living on the road?

  • Do you still like being homeschooled?

  • Do we need to change anything?

  • Is there something new you want to try?

  • Is there anything we can change as your parents?

3. Then, we make decisions as a family AND follow through.

Just like our Father does with us, I want our children to know their desires, big or small, matter to me.

4. Pray together out loud and look for "God Shots" and call them out throughout the day—it's exciting when the kids join in.

There's nothing like celebrating answered prayers and witnessing God's miracles through the eyes of your child!

Psalm 127:3 (NLT): "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him."


Put the work in. Here are some examples that have made our marriage transform: 

Morning Routine

  • Start each day with meditation using the Abide App or free Pause App- in bed, together. 

  • Make coffee and read the One Year Bible aloud to each other, dividing the readings between the Old Testament and the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. 

  • Each partner reads their daily devotion and follows up with the YouVersion Bible App

Just a heads-up: This routine often leads to meaningful conversations, so allow yourself at least an hour and set your alarm accordingly.

Evening Routine

  • Read a marriage book together such as Marriage by Paul Tripp. 
  • I like this book because it changed the way I look at marriage. I realized that I am just one flawed person married to another. We needed to stop seeking happiness and self worth in each other because that just leads to disappointment. 

Don't miss this, it’s big: Understanding that the true purpose of marriage is holiness, not happiness.

  • End the day with a prayer and another meditation in bed.
Do you want deeper intimacy? I promise you, this is how you achieve it.

"The closer a husband and wife get to God, the closer they get to each other." - Rick Warren

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (ESV): "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

Dedication and Commitment

Building strength in personal, parental, and marital aspects requires dedication and a commitment to daily practices that align with God’s will. By spending time with God, being transparent with our children, and nurturing our marriage, we have found a resilience that has brought us closer together and closer to Him.

Join me tomorrow as I explore the most crucial aspect of transformation: HOPE. Hope is the driving force that gives us the reason to persevere and put in the work. Without it, our efforts lose their purpose.

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