An Alabama Favorite: Oak Mountain State Park

Nestled in the charming suburb of Pelham, just outside Birmingham, Alabama’s largest state park has become one of our family's all-time favorites. Join us on our full-time adventure as we explore the wonders of Oak Mountain State Park and share why it holds a special place in our hearts!


We stayed at the equestrian center, a serene spot where the night sky feels endless and the company of beautiful horses adds to the peaceful ambiance.

It was a bit pricey at $44 per night (military rate), but the full hookups, clean facilities, cozy fire pit, and open skies for Starlink made it worth every penny.


Our visit in mid-April was blessed with gorgeous weather, with temperatures in the 70's to 80's and a mix of sunshine and gentle drizzle. It was perfect for outdoor activities. Our only regret was not having more time to enjoy it all!


After an easy drive from Pensacola, complete with a fun pit stop at Buc-ee's (a must-visit if you haven’t been), we arrived at the park. The rolling hills and lush greenery were a refreshing change from Florida's flatlands. We couldn't wait to explore the trails and enjoy the variety of activities the park offers.

The mountain bike trails, BMX, and pump tracks were a big hit. Scott and our son were up early each morning, eager to tackle the trails, with our daughter sometimes joining in. The exhilaration on their faces was priceless! As for me, I enjoyed the tranquility of hiking.

Our first hike took us around the beautiful lake, a peaceful start to our adventures. 

Next, we explored the wildlife center, where we marveled at rescued eagles and owls. 

From the center, we hiked the Tree Top Interpretive Nature Trail, which made us feel like we were wandering through a rainforest, with its lush canopy and fascinating wildlife.

One of the highlights was the hike to Peavine Falls. This trail, though moderate to difficult, rewarded us with stunning views of the waterfall.

The climb back up was challenging but worth every step!

Oak Mountain State Park also boasts a pristine beach and lake, perfect for paddle-boarding, a snack bar, a ski course, an archery course, and horseback riding. While we didn't have time to try all these activities, we know there's always a next time!

Overall Experience

We absolutely loved the bike-friendly vibe of the surrounding community. The well-maintained trails connect to local restaurants and shops, making it easy to enjoy an active lifestyle. The town itself was clean, welcoming, and beautiful.

We also had the pleasure of meeting the wonderful dad of an F-18 pilot. Despite the challenges his son faced flying in tumultuous times, he shared a reassuring message: raise your kids well, surrender them to God, and trust they'll find their way. Let them fly. 

Oak Mountain State Park offers something for everyone. Whether you're seeking adventure, tranquility, or a mix of both, this park has it all!

Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NIV):

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.


In the previous verses, the prophet Jeremiah describes those who rely on human strength and understanding as being like a shrub in the desert—dry, barren, and unable to recognize prosperity when it comes.

In contrast, he portrays those who trust in God as a vibrant, well-watered tree, always green and fruitful.


  • At times, I find myself feeling more like that desert shrub. Worries and doubts can consume me, and the resulting "toxic fruits" of anxiety and stress affect those around me, especially my husband and children.

  • However, God often places people like the dad we met at Oak Mountain State Park in my life—people whose fruits are peace, encouragement, and a contagious joy, even in the face of challenges like having a child in the midst of warfare.

  • Have you ever met someone like that? Someone whose positivity and zest for life are so strong, they seem ready to burst? Those are the kind of fruits I aspire to bear, the kind I want my family to experience through me.


How can we cultivate these positive fruits? By truly trusting God with every aspect of our lives—not just in words, but in our actions.

We can choose to surrender our thoughts, asking God to transform negative ones into positives.

We can give our children the freedom to grow independently, nurturing their passions while also giving them space. We can pray.

Oswald Chambers: "Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading."


Heavenly Father,

I want to live with full confidence in You. Show me how to do that. Please protect my kids from the evils in this world. I pray that You would instill in them Your desires and passions, and give me the wisdom to nourish these while stepping back when needed. May the fruits of Your Spirit be evident in my life, and may they positively impact everyone I encounter, so they can see who You truly are.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

  • I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences, feel free to leave a comment below.

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