Kentucky: The Derby and Fried Chicken

We had the exciting opportunity to join Scott’s parents for two unforgettable months as they embarked on RaeMa's bucket list Triple Crown Tour. 

Our adventure kicked off with the Kentucky Derby, a once-in-a-lifetime experience! The desire to experience the Kentucky Derby stemmed from Scott’s grandpa Willis. 

Our family of four had previously taken a detour to Corbin, Kentucky, where we visited Scott’s grandpa’s childhood home and got an insider's tour of the original spot where Colonel Sanders first served his famous fried chicken—courtesy of a relative who gave us the real story.

Come along as we take in the 150th Kentucky Derby, explore scenic greenways, and visit the KFC museum!

Louisville North Camp

We stayed at Louisville North Camp in Clarksville, Indiana, opting for a spot across the Ohio river because the rates were more reasonable during Derby season. The site had full hookups, laundry, access to walking trails, and was close to Louisville. 

The downside? Tight spaces and cats roaming the laundry room—not my favorite combo.

The 150th Kentucky Derby

This was a two-day event, starting with the Kentucky Oaks. We used a shuttle service called Just-In-Time, and they lived up to their name! 

The first day was a bit overwhelming—finding the right entrance, locating our seats, coordinating with the driver, and navigating the crowds (including preachers at the gates urging us Derby-goers to repent). 

But by Day 2, we had the hang of it—hats and all!

The drinks flowed freely, and the food was plentiful. Let's just say the preachers had a point about the drunkenness, gambling, and gluttony! 
We avoided the first two but may have gone a little overboard with cheesecake on a stick.

Overall, it was fun to dress up—something we rarely do these days. Seeing the horses up close was incredible, and watching their speed and beauty in person was unforgettable. 

We watched Secretariat beforehand to get a better feel for the race. While horse racing isn’t typically our thing, experiencing this family tradition, especially with RaeMa, made it a day we’ll always cherish, rain and all!


After indulging in all that delicious cheesecake, we knew we had to stay active! We had two favorite walking trails. First up was the Lewis and Clark Heritage Trail, which is also perfect for biking.

We also enjoyed walking the trails to Jeffersonville, a charming town filled with delightful restaurants and shops. From there, we accessed the Big 4 Bridge, which led us into Louisville. 

The bridge offered a picturesque view, enhanced by the sounds of classical music in the background.


Scott’s grandpa, Willis, was a businessman from Corbin, Kentucky, which meant he knew the Colonel personally. The story goes that the Colonel once approached Willis about partnering with him to start a fried chicken business. 

Willis, thinking it was a crazy idea, told him Americans preferred hamburgers and malts, so he went on to open the Bun Boy instead, and the World’s Tallest Thermometer in Baker, California, the gateway to Death Valley.

We were able to explore the KFC museum on the reopening day with a relative. It was fun and interesting seeing everything in the museum and then hearing the story behind the stories.

Reputation has it that the Colonel wasn’t the nicest man. You can catch some of his story on The Food That Built America, which even includes a gunfight. 

While we were in Corbin, we heard a rumor that the Colonel used a local woman’s recipe and paid off her house to keep her quiet. Is there any truth to it? 

I have no idea. But ambition, especially when fueled by greed, often leads people to compromise their morals.

Overall Experience

Whether it was attending the Kentucky Derby with RaeMa and Pop or hearing first hand stories from locals in Corbin, these moments reminded us how much relationships and shared experiences truly matter. 

The kids are at the perfect age to soak in these adventures and learn more about their family history, even connecting to a great-grandpa they never had the chance to meet. 

These memories—woven with tradition and storytelling—are ones that will stay with them for years to come. 

Both kids have gained valuable insights about what they do and don’t want for their lives through these experiences, and they’ve expressed their thoughts, reinforcing our homeschool model of learning through real-life experiences.

1 Timothy 6:9-10

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.


In this letter to a young leader in the Christian church named Timothy, Paul addresses spiritual dangers associated with pursuing wealth. 

It is important to note that Paul doesn’t say that money is the root of evil but instead that love of money is the root of evil.


What does the love of money look like?

  • Prioritizing Wealth- Choosing to work long hours at a high-paying job, sacrificing time with God, family friendships, and personal well-being for the sake of financial gain. 
  •  Attachment to Materialism- Constantly upgrading your lifestyle by buying the latest gadgets, cars, or designer clothing, believing that these items will bring happiness or status. 
  • Moral Compromise- Inflating expense reports or engage in dishonest practices at work to achieve bonuses or promotions. 
  • Emotional Impact- Experiencing constant anxiety about financial security.
Reflective Question

How do my spending habits reflect my values?

"Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is a tool to help you pursue the glory of God and the good of others."-John Piper


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your blessings. Help us prioritize our relationship with You over the love of money. Grant us contentment and guide us to use our resources wisely and generously for Your glory.

In Jesus' name,

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