Kentucky: Land Between the Lakes

We headed north from Nashville, excited to return to the beautiful Land Between the Lakes. This unique spot blends nature, history, and small-town charm, making it the perfect destination for our next adventure in the fifth wheel. 

(Spot at Land Between the Lakes in the Spring)

Join us as we explore the area—and discover a crucial safety tip you won’t want to miss!

Canal Campground

We had a fantastic stay at Canal Campground, an Army Corps of Engineers spot, with RaeMa and Pop! After exploring, we all agreed that site #68 was the best choice, with its water view and spacious concrete pad.

(Our campsite, not 68)

The campground was beautiful and busier than we expected. Set around a lovely lake, it was filled with kayaks, boats, and fishing—an ideal spot for our getaway!

Campground Scare

One morning, Scott and I decided to take an early walk while the kids were still asleep at Canal Loop Trail. 

(Canal Loop Trail, Upper & Lower is 5.3 Miles)

It was a gorgeous and peaceful walk, but when we returned we heard shouting near RaeMa and Pop's trailer. Our calm morning quickly turned into a race as we ran uphill, unsure of what we would find.

(We don't have an actual picture of the fire as we were all distracted!)

When we got to the top, there was Pop, frantically putting out flames dangerously close to his motorhome. A fire had broken out just feet away, and by God’s grace, no one was hurt, and nothing major was damaged. But the moment we realized that if our camp sites had been swapped, our fifth wheel would have caught on fire—with the kids still sleeping inside—it sent chills down my spine.

What caused the fire, you ask? The cleanup crew had carelessly shoveled hot coals from a fire pit into the bushes instead of properly disposing of them. A small mistake that could have turned into a tragedy—one we’ll never forget.

Safety Tip: We now keep a hose set up and ready to use, and make sure everyone knows how to operate it in case of another fire emergency.

Southern Hospitality at Its Best

During our time in Murray, Kentucky, we stayed with dear family friends who had recently moved back from Southern California. 

(Photo in front of their old tobacco barn)

Their Southern hospitality was in full swing—our friend is truly the hostess with the mostess, always serving up delicious meals. One evening, we joined them for a Supercross party, and let’s just say their little daughter may or may not have a little crush on our son- so so sweet.

Turkey Bay Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Area

(Our spot for the day)

If you’re into off-roading, Turkey Bay is the local hotspot! With marked trails, open riding areas, and a good dose of mud, it’s a great spot for adventure. Our friends took us there on a weekend, and it was buzzing with people. 

(The creek was refreshing, it was a hot day!)

Those of us not hitting the trails spent time relaxing by a cool creek—perfect for those who just want to enjoy the scenery.

Elk and Bison Prairie

We couldn’t pass up a visit to the Elk and Bison Prairie, where we drove through and were lucky to see bison up close. Although the elk were a no-show, the experience was still worth the small entrance fee.

(The calf was so cute!)

And I know my readers are smarter than this but I shall still mention that while it’s tempting, please resist the urge to take selfies with or approach the bison—you definitely don’t want to get that close to these giants!

Patti’s 1880’s Settlement

(I loved all the flowers)

This charming spot is famous for its pork chops and pies, though we didn’t get a chance to try the food ourselves. But trust me, there’s plenty to enjoy! 

(Awesome grounds)

We loved wandering through the beautiful gardens and exploring the many unique shops, from fudge to fashion. If you're traveling with little ones, don't miss the miniature golf course or the petting zoo—and after seeing how lovely the area was, we all agreed we'd love to come back during Christmas to see it decked out in holiday lights!

(It's Pink!)

Overall Experience

(Not an awkward picture at all...)

  • This place had it all: water, bison, charming settlements, scenic trails, bugs (yes, bugs!), shops, friends, family, a fire scare, and even gas station pizza—it’s a thing y’all! 

  • Kentucky is simply beautiful, fun, and full of Southern charm. You might think someone is being friendly, but then you hear a “bless your heart,” and suddenly you realize it was a polite dig. I’m still figuring out how I feel about those subtle jabs; sometimes I think I’d prefer the blunt approach of New England, where you know exactly where you stand!

  • All jokes aside, I found people in both Kentucky and New England to be incredibly kind and generous.

  • What really sticks with me is that fire scare. I’m so thankful Scott’s parents were up and able to see the flames and start putting them out. 

  • It’s hard not to let my mind drift into the “what ifs,” but it’s a powerful reminder that God is in control and nothing surprises Him. It reminds me to pray for His protection and guidance over our loved ones.

Psalm 55:22 (CSB)

Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never allow the righteous to be shaken.


  • David opens this Psalm with raw emotions—fear and despair pouring out as he pleads for God’s help. 
  • In the midst of his struggles, he contrasts his pain with the powerful assurance that God will sustain him. 
  • David calls those who trust in God to action, urging us to surrender our worries and anxieties to the Lord, while reminding us of the promise that He will always be our refuge.
  • 1 Peter 5:7 says it this way, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 


(sunset at our friend's home)
  • I know all too well the grip of anxiety, both chronic and situational. Chronic anxiety has loomed over me for no apparent reason, while situational anxiety strikes during specific moments.
  • Through dedicated time with God, journaling, and prayer, I had an enlightening “aha moment” about surrender, which ultimately freed me from that chronic burden.
  • Yet, like many, I still face situational stresses that can weigh me down. It’s crucial for me to remember that I’m not meant to be in control—and honestly, I don’t want that burden.
  • I choose to trust in God, knowing His ways are infinitely better than mine, and that He will sustain all that I hold dear.

Reflective Question

In which areas of my life—whether in relationships, work, or personal challenges—am I trying to control the outcome instead of trusting God to take the lead?

"Trusting God is not an act of will; it is a condition of the heart."-A.W. Tozer 


Heavenly Father,

I bring my burdens to You today. Help me to let go of my need to control and to trust in Your care. Show me the areas of my life where I can surrender my worries to You. Thank You for Your promise to sustain me. Give me peace as I place my trust in You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  • I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences, feel free to leave a comment below.

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  1. Super close call with the fire. Praise God for protection. And new wisdom. 🙏😳


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